Number of visits:
2011-07-14 at 11:42
Edited: 2011-07-14 at 11:44
TEMPUS OPUS meeting Vienna - 29 June...





Presentation # 1: Ms. Maria Steindl-Köck Maria, University of Vienna
Presentation # 2: Ms. Birgit Kessler, University of Vienna
Presentation # 3: Ms. Vivian Salpius, University of Vienna
Presentation # 4: Ms. Allison O’Reilly, University of Vienna





Lucas Zinner, Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Reinhold R. Grimm, Jena University, Vice-Chairman if the University Board at the University of Vienna
Georg Winkler, Rector of the University of Vienna
Alexandra Fӧderl-Schmid, Der Standard
Melita Kovačević, Vice Rector for Research and Technology, University of Zagreb
Stefan Bӧhm, Center for Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna
Tecumseh Fitch, Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna
Franz Stefan Meissel, Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History, University of Vienna
Ayșe Çağlar, Department of Social and Cultural Antropology, University of Vienna
Suzanne Weigelin-Schwiedrik, Dean of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna
Daniela Pillgrab, Beijing Normal University
Klaus Taschwer, Der Standard
Heinz W. Engl, University of Vienna
Christian Fritzsche, Korn/Ferry
Alexander Van der Bellen, City of Vienna




Presentation # 1: Ms. Brigitte Lehmann, Humboldt Graduate University

Presentation # 2: Mr. Helmut Brentel, Frankfurter Graduate School and the Goethe Graduate Academy

Presentation # 3: Dr. Lucas Zinner, University of Vienna

Zrnka Kusen
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 The meeting covered the following topics:

White Paper - Identifying Policy Paper Structure
Supervision in PhD Studies
Workshop in IPR and innovation
Monitoring visit



Prof. Elena Dumova-Jovanoska, PhD (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje)
Prof. Srđan Novak, PhD (University of Zagreb, Centre for Research, Development and Technology Transfer)Vladimir Cvijanović, PhD (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business)
Lucas Zinner, PhD (University of Vienna, Centre for Doctoral Studies)
Prof. Neven Budak, PhD (University of Zagreb, Committee for Doctoral Programmes)
Personal experience in doctoral supervision/ inside look at recent problems and possible solutions
Prof. Zdravko Lacković, PhD (University of Zagreb, Committee for Doctoral Programmes)
Vlatka Petrović, PhD (University of Zagreb, Centre for Research, Development and Technology Transfer)
Smiljka Vikić Topić (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine)


Zrnka Kusen
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15th -17th September 2010.

Podgorica/Prcanj, Montenegro

Zrnka Kusen
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University of Zagreb

06th October 2010

07th October 2010


Zrnka Kusen
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25. - 26.10.2010., University of Dubrovnik

Zrnka Kusen
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University of Rijeka, 18. June 2010

University of Zagreb, 30. June 2010

Zrnka Kusen
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According to TEMPUS OPUS project new activity was held from 06th - 07th July 2010. at the University of Mostar.

Zrnka Kusen
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2010-04-14 at 14:47
Edited: 2010-06-29 at 13:23

From 19th - 22nd of May study visit to K.U. Leuven was organised according to Tempus project OPUS activities.



Zrnka Kusen
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2010-03-08 at 12:22
Edited: 2010-03-08 at 12:24

According to Tempus OPUS proposal from 23rd - 25th March 2010 will be organised several workshops on FP7 proposal writing, project management and financial management.  These workshops will be organised for OPUS partners and researchers and PhD students from University of Zagreb and other PC institutions.


1.) Workshop for research managers, administrators, financial officers, legal staff

Title: " FP7 - Project Management including financial and legal issues

Duration: 1 day

Participants: approx. 15 persons

Location: University of Zagreb, Zvonimirova 8

Date: 23rd March 2010


2.) Workshop for researchers (including young researches, PhD-students) or companies interested in applying for FP7

Title: "From the idea to the (successful) proposal

Duration: 1 day with practical exercises

Participants: up to 25 persons

Locations: University of Zagreb, Zvonimirova 8

Date: 24th and 25th March


Zrnka Kusen
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2010-03-01 at 14:45
Edited: 2010-03-01 at 14:56


Zrnka Kusen
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Tempus OPUS Round table:...

University of Zagreb

18th February 2010

Zrnka Kusen
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2009-12-21 at 11:59
Edited: 2010-03-02 at 14:59

From 18th - 19th February 2010. Interinstitutional meeting and workshop on EU lobbingissues was held on University of Zagreb.

Zrnka Kusen
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According to TEMPUS project OPUS timetable on 25th of November Innovation, IPR and enterpreneurship workshop and Interinstitutional meeting was held at the University of Zadar.

Zrnka Kusen
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2009-09-21 at 11:53
Edited: 2009-12-21 at 11:30
Study visit to the Universiti of...

According to TEMPUS OPUS project study visit to the University of Saarland was held from 18th - 21st October 2009.



Zrnka Kusen
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According to TEMPUS project OPUS timetable new activity was held from 01st until 02nd October 2009 at the University of Montenegro.

Zrnka Kusen
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2009-07-10 at 14:24
Edited: 2009-07-10 at 14:42
TEMPUS OPUS Round table and first...

University of Rijeka was host to the second round table in the Tempus project OPUS. The meeting was held from 29-30.06. 2009. and it was attended by 32 representatives of partner institutions.

Zrnka Kusen
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According to TEMPUS OPUS project new activity will be held from 29th - 30 June 2009. on University of Rijeka.

Zrnka Kusen
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2009-04-29 at 10:01
Edited: 2009-07-10 at 14:30
Study visit to University of Vienna

The first Study visit was held from 22nd till 24th of April 2009. in Vienna. 12 participants from 6 partner institution visited University of Vienna.

Zrnka Kusen
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2009-04-08 at 12:15
Edited: 2009-07-10 at 14:30
TEMPUS OPUS Round table in Zadar

The first TEMPUS OPUS Round table was held in Zadar on 31st of March 2009.



Zrnka Kusen
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2009-02-12 at 17:15
Edited: 2009-07-10 at 14:54
Kick-off meeting of the TEMPUS OPUS...

Representatives of the 23 partner institutions from eight countries met on February 9-10 for the Kick off meeting of the TEMPUS project "Opening University towards Society: Linking Education-Research-Innovation".


Vlatka Petrović
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