TEMPUS project Opening University towards Society: Linking Education-Research-Innovation (OPUS) will develop and implement structural measures in Partner Country (PC) universities and society as a whole to strengthen the education–research–innovation triangle (ERIT) as important leverage for transition to knowledge-driven economy.
The project objectives can be divided into three levels. The strategic level comprises the analysis of stakeholders’ needs, identification of structural and legislative measures on local, national and regional level in order to create policies and other strategic documents (regulations, procedures, good practices).
The implementation level is based on activities that will increase awareness and understanding of the role of ERIT in academic community, industry and public authorities. Special emphasis will be given to the issues like: intellectual propery rights (IPR), innovation, and academic entrepreneurship; increased participation in the Framework Programme and other EU projects; increased collaboration among universities, public authorities and industry on national, regional and European level. The establishment of the Centre for Research, Development and Technology at University of Zagreb will serve as a model for other universities in Partner Countries and Croatia. In addition, research quality assessment will be implemented by introducing indicators of scientific effectiveness and research productivity.
The project management level includes dissemination, raising of public awareness as one of the most important tasks of the project, sustainability, quality control and general project management activities.