Number of visits:
  1. Intellectual Property Rights

    Website of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) gives an excellent overview of Intellectual Property Rights and their use.

    Be sure to explore gateways to:

    •    Patents
    •    Trademarks
    •    Industrial Designs
    •    Geographical Indications
    •    Copyright
    •    Traditional Knowledge
    •    IP for Development

    They have also grouped the information available according to the target group:

    •    Delegates
    •    Journalists
    •    Businesses
    •    Innovators
    •    Students

    Website of the European Patent Office (EPO) carries detailed information focusing on patents and the patenting process.  We recommended their Patent Teaching Kit - a package that you can use to find out more about patents yourself and also to prepare teaching materials for others.


  3. Commercialising inventions

    For an excellent guide to the key on the key stages of turning an invention into a commercial product be sure to visit the Inventors Handbook at the EPO website.

    The handbook addresses the following topics:
    •    Disclosure and confidentiality
    •    Competition and market potential
    •    Proving the invention
    •    Building a team and seeking funding
    •    Finding and approaching companies
    •    Novelty and prior art
    •    Assessing the risk ahead
    •    Protecting your idea
    •    Business planning
    •    Dealing with companies

  4. Managing intellectual property in EU research projects?

    IPR Helpdesk website contains an extensive body of information on managing IP in research projects. While they focus on EU project rules and guidelines much of their content can serve as a guide for other research projects as well.

    Be sure to explore their informative Fact Sheets and FAQ.  Both can be found in their Library.
  5. Where can I learn more about intellectual property management?

    Technology Transfer and Research Offices of University in the region regularly organise workshops on IP management and commercialisation. Contact them directly to find out about the next workshop in your vicinity.

    You can also explore additional training opportunities – both live and on-line workshops and courses on these sites:

    WIPO Academy
    EPO Training Opportunities
    IPR Helpdesk Training
  6. Where can I find out more about the commercial potential  of my research results?


    Be sure to contact the R&D, Innovation of Technology Transfer service of your Institution. Such services help their researches to evaluate commercial potential of their inventions and lead them through the intellectually property protection and commercialisation process.
    Web sites of R&D, innovation or technology transfer services in the region:


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