Number of visits:

1. Identification of structural and legislative measures on local, national and regional level

1.1 Target round tables for stakeholders
1.2 Study visits to adopt good practices
1.3 Analysis of stakeholders needs

2. Development of strategic documents, regulations, procedures and good practices

2.1 Analysis of good practices and institutional models
2.2 Creation of relevant policy and strategic documents related to research excellence and knowledge transfer
2.3 Implementation of relevant policy

3. Increased awareness and understanding of the role of innovation, IPR and enterpreneurship among researchers

3.1 Development of materials and courses for innovation, IPR and enterpreneurship awareness
3.2 Workshops and awareness raising campaigns for doctoral students and researchers 
3.3 Inclusion of academic enterpreneurship contents in doctoral studies

4. Increased participation in the Framework Programme and other EU projects

4.1 Workshops for proposal writing and project management
4.2 Enhancement of administrative support for research projects
4.3 Development of project financial services
4.4 Establishments of legal support for contracting

5. Increased collaboration between universities, industry and public authorities on national, regional and  European level

5.1 Study visits and networking events
5.2 Building regional research and knowledge transfer networks
5.3 Establishment of Centre for Research, Development and Technology at University of Zagreb (model)

6. Research quality assessment

6.1 Screening and integration of available research outcomes database
6.2 Development of a pilot database tool for research quality assessment
6.3 Analysis of research outcomes and development of benchmarking criteria
6.4 Development of incentives to promote knowledge transfer criteria

7. Dissemination

7.1 Creation and maintenance of web pages
7.2 Dissemination workshops
7.3 Newsletter publishing and distribution
7.4 Media coverage of activities
7.5 Final conference

8. Sustainability

8.1 Enhancement of liaisons with national policy-making and policy-funding agencies
8.2 Promotion and liaison building with regional and European partners
8.3 Development and updating of the sustainability plan

9. Quality control and monitoring

9.1 Monitoring visits on national and regional level
9.2 Progress reports, indicatior analysis and re-evaluation of assumptions and risks
9.3 Inter-institutional meetings of partner country partners

10. Management of the project

10.1 Project coordination meetings
10.2 Daily project administration, management and coordination



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